LibraryPull up a chair, grab your favourite drink, and browse helpful articles. CategoriesAlzheimerCaregivingAging ParentsComplex CarePalliativeHospitalSeniorsFitnessNutritionAll blog postsFEATUREDThe Role of Home Health Care in Ottawa for Managing Chronic IllnessesLiving with chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis can present daily challenges that significant...March 18, 2025How Home Healthcare in Ottawa Helps with Post-Surgery RecoveryRecovering from surgery requires time, proper care, and a strong support system. For Ottawa residents, home healthcare s...February 5, 2025Enhancing the Quality of Care: A Guide for ClientsProviding the best possible care for your loved ones requires collaboration, understanding, and a proactive approach. As...August 31, 2023Coping with a hospital stay when you have dementia or Alzheimer’sStaying in the hospital is hard under the best of circumstances, but with deme...October 12, 2022Canadian Scientist Honoured with International Award for Diabetic ResearchDr. Daniel Drucker's incredible contributions towards diabetic research earned...February 5, 202210 Tips For Coping With The Stress Of CaregivingCaring for a senior or aging parent or an ill friend can be very difficult. He...February 5, 20224 Helpful Tools to Deal with Dementia-Related ForgetfulnessAre you or someone you love dealing with forgetfulness or memory loss related...February 2, 2022The Dos and Don’ts in Caring for a Family Member with Alzheimer’s DiseaseLiving with a loved one with Alzheimer’s is difficult! Caring for them, howe...April 13, 2021Common Youth Sports for Traumatic Brain InjuriesSome sports have a hidden risk: traumatic brain injury. In this article, we wi...March 14, 2020Exploring the Effects of Patient Care on the CaregiverWhen you’re helping a loved one as a caregiver, don’t overlook the effect...November 14, 2019Our Guide to Senior Care During the Winter MonthsSanta Claus may be coming to town, but so is the cold weather, snow, and ice �...October 20, 2019The ABCs of ABIs II: How Our In-Home Caregivers Can HelpHow in-home caregivers can help after an Acquired Brain Injury or Traumatic Br...October 20, 2019The ABCs of ABIs: Acquired Brain Injuries and Proper CareLiving with an acquired brain injury is no easy feat. It requires plenty of pa...October 14, 2019The Link Between Muscular Dystrophy and Mobility ImpairmentAlthough there is no cure at the moment, that doesn’t mean there are no ways...September 20, 2019Mobility and Quality of Life: Why the Two Go Hand-in-HandBeing able to get around and move freely is necessary for an independent lifes...June 28, 20194 Important Steps Towards Mobility in Stroke RecoveryWhen a loved one suffers a stroke, it can be an overwhelmingly stressful proce...June 17, 20194 Ways to Help Stroke Sufferers Cope with Mobility IssuesWhen you or a loved one suffers a stroke, it can be a stressful process to reg...May 24, 2019Why Professional Mobility Therapy is Integral to RecoveryProfessional mobility therapy can greatly improve mobility.May 17, 2019How Chronic Neuromuscular Degenerative Diseases Impact Our MobilityThere are many chronic neuromuscular degenerative diseases out there. Muscle w...April 10, 2019Symptoms Faced by Individuals with Cerebral PalsyCerebral Palsy is a condition that can be difficult to live with, especially w...March 25, 2019What are Chronic Neuromuscular Degenerative Diseases?What is a chronic neuromuscular disease? Here are some facts about these condi...March 13, 2019How to Improve your Loved One’s Cognitive SkillsIt’s common to experience a mental decline or memory loss as you get older o...February 22, 2019Why Empty Nesters Should Incorporate Music into Their Daily LivesMusic can have surprising benefits for seniors and empty-nesters. Here are som...February 8, 20199 Ways to Adapt After HospitalizationAfter you return home from hospitalization, you will need to take time to adju...December 12, 2018Think FAST – The Warning Signs of an Oncoming StrokeEvery second counts when a potential stroke is happening, and being able to no...December 4, 2018TIME Health: Caregiver Traits That Help Reduce BurnoutHere are the top ten traits that will prevent burnout in caregivers, as report...October 15, 2018Helping Seniors with Standing, Sitting and RecliningMany seniors find that they begin to have trouble changing positions, e.g., fr...October 15, 2018Recognize 7 Warning Signs of Caregiver Stress to Avoid Exhaustion or a CrisisCaregiving for a loved one who needs assistance throughout their everyday acti...July 10, 2018Help Make Your Parents’ Move as Smooth as PossibleWhen it’s time for your aging parents to downsize their home, they will need...July 5, 20187 Tips to Travel Safely with DementiaTraveling with someone living with dementia can be a challenging process. But...June 3, 2018Alzheimer’s and dementiaFEATUREDCoping with a hospital stay when you have dementia or Alzheimer’sStaying in the hospital is hard under the best of circumstances, but with deme...October 12, 20224 Helpful Tools to Deal with Dementia-Related ForgetfulnessAre you or someone you love dealing with forgetfulness or memory loss related...February 2, 2022The Dos and Don’ts in Caring for a Family Member with Alzheimer’s DiseaseLiving with a loved one with Alzheimer’s is difficult! Caring for them, howe...April 13, 20217 Tips to Travel Safely with DementiaTraveling with someone living with dementia can be a challenging process. But...June 3, 2018Why In-Home Care is ImportantWhether recovering from surgery, a hospital stay, or dealing with the symptoms...February 27, 20187 Tips for Easier Mealtimes for Dementia PatientsA seemingly simple task such as eating can eventually become a challenging and...January 18, 20187 Medication Reminders That WorkRecent studies in North America estimate that as many as 50% of medications pr...December 13, 20178 Care Options for Alzheimer’s PatientsAlzheimer's disease is progressive, and can be challenging for their family me...November 13, 2017CaregivingFEATURED10 Tips For Coping With The Stress Of CaregivingCaring for a senior or aging parent or an ill friend can be very difficult. He...February 5, 2022Exploring the Effects of Patient Care on the CaregiverWhen you’re helping a loved one as a caregiver, don’t overlook the effect...November 14, 2019Our Guide to Senior Care During the Winter MonthsSanta Claus may be coming to town, but so is the cold weather, snow, and ice �...October 20, 2019How to Improve your Loved One’s Cognitive SkillsIt’s common to experience a mental decline or memory loss as you get older o...February 22, 2019Think FAST – The Warning Signs of an Oncoming StrokeEvery second counts when a potential stroke is happening, and being able to no...December 4, 2018TIME Health: Caregiver Traits That Help Reduce BurnoutHere are the top ten traits that will prevent burnout in caregivers, as report...October 15, 2018Helping Seniors with Standing, Sitting and RecliningMany seniors find that they begin to have trouble changing positions, e.g., fr...October 15, 2018Recognize 7 Warning Signs of Caregiver Stress to Avoid Exhaustion or a CrisisCaregiving for a loved one who needs assistance throughout their everyday acti...July 10, 2018Caring for your aging parentsFEATUREDCanadian Scientist Honoured with International Award for Diabetic ResearchDr. Daniel Drucker's incredible contributions towards diabetic research earned...February 5, 2022Our Guide to Senior Care During the Winter MonthsSanta Claus may be coming to town, but so is the cold weather, snow, and ice �...October 20, 2019Mobility and Quality of Life: Why the Two Go Hand-in-HandBeing able to get around and move freely is necessary for an independent lifes...June 28, 2019How to Improve your Loved One’s Cognitive SkillsIt’s common to experience a mental decline or memory loss as you get older o...February 22, 2019Why Empty Nesters Should Incorporate Music into Their Daily LivesMusic can have surprising benefits for seniors and empty-nesters. Here are som...February 8, 2019Think FAST – The Warning Signs of an Oncoming StrokeEvery second counts when a potential stroke is happening, and being able to no...December 4, 2018Helping Seniors with Standing, Sitting and RecliningMany seniors find that they begin to have trouble changing positions, e.g., fr...October 15, 2018Why In-Home Care is ImportantWhether recovering from surgery, a hospital stay, or dealing with the symptoms...February 27, 2018Complex careFEATUREDCommon Youth Sports for Traumatic Brain InjuriesSome sports have a hidden risk: traumatic brain injury. In this article, we wi...March 14, 2020The ABCs of ABIs II: How Our In-Home Caregivers Can HelpHow in-home caregivers can help after an Acquired Brain Injury or Traumatic Br...October 20, 2019The ABCs of ABIs: Acquired Brain Injuries and Proper CareLiving with an acquired brain injury is no easy feat. It requires plenty of pa...October 14, 2019Why In-Home Care is ImportantWhether recovering from surgery, a hospital stay, or dealing with the symptoms...February 27, 2018End-of-life care, Palliative careFEATUREDThe Importance of Palliative CarePalliative care is about providing quality of life through comfort and expert...January 23, 2017End of Life Care: What to ExpectCaring for a loved one who is dying is not an easy experience. Though you know...July 26, 2013Compassionate Palliative Care and Personal SupportIt’s not easy to lose a loved one, and the lives of the bereaved are impacte...April 10, 2013Stages of Palliative Care at HomePalliative care is specialized care that aims to relieve suffering and improve the quality of life for people with termi...March 20, 2013What Is Palliative Care?Palliative care is the compassionate care of a dying person, minimizing their suffering as they progress towards the end...February 7, 2013FinancesFEATURED7 Different Ways to Pay for Home CareIt can be quite a struggle to find ways to pay for long-term home healthcare....December 7, 2015Retirement and Health Care Expenses – Are You Prepared?When people consider retirement, they generally focus on the positive aspects,...March 17, 2015Holidays and ChristmasFEATURED10 Great Gift Ideas for SeniorsDon't know what to get the senior in your life? Here are some holiday gift ide...December 17, 2015Dementia and the Holiday SeasonThe holiday season can be difficult for people caring for loved ones with dementia. Memories of past holidays can remind...November 29, 201310 Tips to Help Seniors Have a Happy Holiday SeasonThe holiday season is a happy and joyous time for most of us, but many seniors find this time of year to be hectic, conf...December 20, 2012Family Friendly Holiday Fun in OttawaOttawa is one of the finest cities in Canada to spend your winter break. Overflowing with world renowned recreational ev...December 13, 2012Seniors Dealing with Holiday StressThe holidays are jam-packed with family get-togethers, parties, and culinary adventures. Amidst all these activities, se...December 6, 2012HospitalFEATUREDCoping with a hospital stay when you have dementia or Alzheimer’sStaying in the hospital is hard under the best of circumstances, but with deme...October 12, 20229 Ways to Adapt After HospitalizationAfter you return home from hospitalization, you will need to take time to adju...December 12, 2018Returning Home From A Hospital StayVisiting the hospital for any length of time is generally an unpleasant or unw...June 27, 2016Alzheimer’s and the Risks of Hospital AdmissionsA hospital stay can be unsettling and challenging for anyone, but it can be especially difficult for people with dementi...January 29, 2013Seniors: Aging, Tips for SeniorsFEATUREDCanadian Scientist Honoured with International Award for Diabetic ResearchDr. Daniel Drucker's incredible contributions towards diabetic research earned...February 5, 2022Our Guide to Senior Care During the Winter MonthsSanta Claus may be coming to town, but so is the cold weather, snow, and ice �...October 20, 2019Mobility and Quality of Life: Why the Two Go Hand-in-HandBeing able to get around and move freely is necessary for an independent lifes...June 28, 2019How to Improve your Loved One’s Cognitive SkillsIt’s common to experience a mental decline or memory loss as you get older o...February 22, 2019Why Empty Nesters Should Incorporate Music into Their Daily LivesMusic can have surprising benefits for seniors and empty-nesters. Here are som...February 8, 2019Think FAST – The Warning Signs of an Oncoming StrokeEvery second counts when a potential stroke is happening, and being able to no...December 4, 2018Helping Seniors with Standing, Sitting and RecliningMany seniors find that they begin to have trouble changing positions, e.g., fr...October 15, 2018Why In-Home Care is ImportantWhether recovering from surgery, a hospital stay, or dealing with the symptoms...February 27, 2018Senior fitnessFEATUREDSenior Health: Resistance TrainingWhen we age, everything seems to progressively slow down, including the abilit...March 21, 2016Aging and Maintaining Healthy BonesMost people don’t usually think much about their bones or the health of thei...April 16, 2015Maintaining a Healthy Weight as a SeniorPeople are living longer and enjoying active lifestyles well into their 80s and 90s. Research continues to confirm that...February 14, 2014Senior Fitness: Exercise and OsteoporosisOsteoporosis is a disease which causes bones to become fragile and easy to fracture. It is a major cause of disability f...November 15, 2013Seniors and ExerciseAs people age, exercise is the key to staying strong, energetic and healthy. As we grow older our body’s metabolism na...July 12, 2012Brain Exercises For SeniorsWhen a parent ages, mental deterioration is often the hardest thing for their children and grandchildren to cope with �...July 5, 2012Fantastic Fitness Strategies for SeniorsShedding pounds and keeping them off gets tougher as we age. We vow in January to make big changes, but by Valentine’s...June 21, 2012Senior nutritionFEATURED6 Ways Seniors Benefit from Help with Meal PreparationAs people age, they may need more help with meal preparation. Seniors' nutriti...February 15, 2018Combatting Senior MalnutritionMalnutrition and inadequate nutritional care is sadly common for Canadian seni...July 24, 2017Living With Type 2 DiabetesApproximately one in five seniors in Canada is diagnosed with diabetes. The va...November 24, 2016Seniors Health: Managing DiabetesDiabetes affects seniors more than any other age group, with nearly one millio...October 20, 2016Helping Your Loved One with Dietary ChangesAs a caregiver, trying to get your loved one to change entrenched habits can be a challenge. Even if you both know that...February 23, 2016Maintaining a Healthy Weight as a SeniorPeople are living longer and enjoying active lifestyles well into their 80s and 90s. Research continues to confirm that...February 14, 2014Detecting and Preventing Malnutrition in SeniorsMalnutrition is a serious health problem for seniors, and is more common than you’d think. Learn the signs and causes...May 31, 2013Nutrition For Seniors – Vegetable Myths – Part TwoIn a previous post we discussed the importance of ensuring that seniors are getting enough vegetables, and pointed out s...October 18, 2012
The Role of Home Health Care in Ottawa for Managing Chronic IllnessesLiving with chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis can present daily challenges that significant...March 18, 2025
How Home Healthcare in Ottawa Helps with Post-Surgery RecoveryRecovering from surgery requires time, proper care, and a strong support system. For Ottawa residents, home healthcare s...February 5, 2025
Enhancing the Quality of Care: A Guide for ClientsProviding the best possible care for your loved ones requires collaboration, understanding, and a proactive approach. As...August 31, 2023
Coping with a hospital stay when you have dementia or Alzheimer’sStaying in the hospital is hard under the best of circumstances, but with deme...October 12, 2022
Canadian Scientist Honoured with International Award for Diabetic ResearchDr. Daniel Drucker's incredible contributions towards diabetic research earned...February 5, 2022
10 Tips For Coping With The Stress Of CaregivingCaring for a senior or aging parent or an ill friend can be very difficult. He...February 5, 2022
4 Helpful Tools to Deal with Dementia-Related ForgetfulnessAre you or someone you love dealing with forgetfulness or memory loss related...February 2, 2022
The Dos and Don’ts in Caring for a Family Member with Alzheimer’s DiseaseLiving with a loved one with Alzheimer’s is difficult! Caring for them, howe...April 13, 2021
Common Youth Sports for Traumatic Brain InjuriesSome sports have a hidden risk: traumatic brain injury. In this article, we wi...March 14, 2020
Exploring the Effects of Patient Care on the CaregiverWhen you’re helping a loved one as a caregiver, don’t overlook the effect...November 14, 2019
Our Guide to Senior Care During the Winter MonthsSanta Claus may be coming to town, but so is the cold weather, snow, and ice �...October 20, 2019
The ABCs of ABIs II: How Our In-Home Caregivers Can HelpHow in-home caregivers can help after an Acquired Brain Injury or Traumatic Br...October 20, 2019
The ABCs of ABIs: Acquired Brain Injuries and Proper CareLiving with an acquired brain injury is no easy feat. It requires plenty of pa...October 14, 2019
The Link Between Muscular Dystrophy and Mobility ImpairmentAlthough there is no cure at the moment, that doesn’t mean there are no ways...September 20, 2019
Mobility and Quality of Life: Why the Two Go Hand-in-HandBeing able to get around and move freely is necessary for an independent lifes...June 28, 2019
4 Important Steps Towards Mobility in Stroke RecoveryWhen a loved one suffers a stroke, it can be an overwhelmingly stressful proce...June 17, 2019
4 Ways to Help Stroke Sufferers Cope with Mobility IssuesWhen you or a loved one suffers a stroke, it can be a stressful process to reg...May 24, 2019
Why Professional Mobility Therapy is Integral to RecoveryProfessional mobility therapy can greatly improve mobility.May 17, 2019
How Chronic Neuromuscular Degenerative Diseases Impact Our MobilityThere are many chronic neuromuscular degenerative diseases out there. Muscle w...April 10, 2019
Symptoms Faced by Individuals with Cerebral PalsyCerebral Palsy is a condition that can be difficult to live with, especially w...March 25, 2019
What are Chronic Neuromuscular Degenerative Diseases?What is a chronic neuromuscular disease? Here are some facts about these condi...March 13, 2019
How to Improve your Loved One’s Cognitive SkillsIt’s common to experience a mental decline or memory loss as you get older o...February 22, 2019
Why Empty Nesters Should Incorporate Music into Their Daily LivesMusic can have surprising benefits for seniors and empty-nesters. Here are som...February 8, 2019
9 Ways to Adapt After HospitalizationAfter you return home from hospitalization, you will need to take time to adju...December 12, 2018
Think FAST – The Warning Signs of an Oncoming StrokeEvery second counts when a potential stroke is happening, and being able to no...December 4, 2018
TIME Health: Caregiver Traits That Help Reduce BurnoutHere are the top ten traits that will prevent burnout in caregivers, as report...October 15, 2018
Helping Seniors with Standing, Sitting and RecliningMany seniors find that they begin to have trouble changing positions, e.g., fr...October 15, 2018
Recognize 7 Warning Signs of Caregiver Stress to Avoid Exhaustion or a CrisisCaregiving for a loved one who needs assistance throughout their everyday acti...July 10, 2018
Help Make Your Parents’ Move as Smooth as PossibleWhen it’s time for your aging parents to downsize their home, they will need...July 5, 2018
7 Tips to Travel Safely with DementiaTraveling with someone living with dementia can be a challenging process. But...June 3, 2018
Coping with a hospital stay when you have dementia or Alzheimer’sStaying in the hospital is hard under the best of circumstances, but with deme...October 12, 2022
4 Helpful Tools to Deal with Dementia-Related ForgetfulnessAre you or someone you love dealing with forgetfulness or memory loss related...February 2, 2022
The Dos and Don’ts in Caring for a Family Member with Alzheimer’s DiseaseLiving with a loved one with Alzheimer’s is difficult! Caring for them, howe...April 13, 2021
7 Tips to Travel Safely with DementiaTraveling with someone living with dementia can be a challenging process. But...June 3, 2018
Why In-Home Care is ImportantWhether recovering from surgery, a hospital stay, or dealing with the symptoms...February 27, 2018
7 Tips for Easier Mealtimes for Dementia PatientsA seemingly simple task such as eating can eventually become a challenging and...January 18, 2018
7 Medication Reminders That WorkRecent studies in North America estimate that as many as 50% of medications pr...December 13, 2017
8 Care Options for Alzheimer’s PatientsAlzheimer's disease is progressive, and can be challenging for their family me...November 13, 2017
10 Tips For Coping With The Stress Of CaregivingCaring for a senior or aging parent or an ill friend can be very difficult. He...February 5, 2022
Exploring the Effects of Patient Care on the CaregiverWhen you’re helping a loved one as a caregiver, don’t overlook the effect...November 14, 2019
Our Guide to Senior Care During the Winter MonthsSanta Claus may be coming to town, but so is the cold weather, snow, and ice �...October 20, 2019
How to Improve your Loved One’s Cognitive SkillsIt’s common to experience a mental decline or memory loss as you get older o...February 22, 2019
Think FAST – The Warning Signs of an Oncoming StrokeEvery second counts when a potential stroke is happening, and being able to no...December 4, 2018
TIME Health: Caregiver Traits That Help Reduce BurnoutHere are the top ten traits that will prevent burnout in caregivers, as report...October 15, 2018
Helping Seniors with Standing, Sitting and RecliningMany seniors find that they begin to have trouble changing positions, e.g., fr...October 15, 2018
Recognize 7 Warning Signs of Caregiver Stress to Avoid Exhaustion or a CrisisCaregiving for a loved one who needs assistance throughout their everyday acti...July 10, 2018
Canadian Scientist Honoured with International Award for Diabetic ResearchDr. Daniel Drucker's incredible contributions towards diabetic research earned...February 5, 2022
Our Guide to Senior Care During the Winter MonthsSanta Claus may be coming to town, but so is the cold weather, snow, and ice �...October 20, 2019
Mobility and Quality of Life: Why the Two Go Hand-in-HandBeing able to get around and move freely is necessary for an independent lifes...June 28, 2019
How to Improve your Loved One’s Cognitive SkillsIt’s common to experience a mental decline or memory loss as you get older o...February 22, 2019
Why Empty Nesters Should Incorporate Music into Their Daily LivesMusic can have surprising benefits for seniors and empty-nesters. Here are som...February 8, 2019
Think FAST – The Warning Signs of an Oncoming StrokeEvery second counts when a potential stroke is happening, and being able to no...December 4, 2018
Helping Seniors with Standing, Sitting and RecliningMany seniors find that they begin to have trouble changing positions, e.g., fr...October 15, 2018
Why In-Home Care is ImportantWhether recovering from surgery, a hospital stay, or dealing with the symptoms...February 27, 2018
Common Youth Sports for Traumatic Brain InjuriesSome sports have a hidden risk: traumatic brain injury. In this article, we wi...March 14, 2020
The ABCs of ABIs II: How Our In-Home Caregivers Can HelpHow in-home caregivers can help after an Acquired Brain Injury or Traumatic Br...October 20, 2019
The ABCs of ABIs: Acquired Brain Injuries and Proper CareLiving with an acquired brain injury is no easy feat. It requires plenty of pa...October 14, 2019
Why In-Home Care is ImportantWhether recovering from surgery, a hospital stay, or dealing with the symptoms...February 27, 2018
The Importance of Palliative CarePalliative care is about providing quality of life through comfort and expert...January 23, 2017
End of Life Care: What to ExpectCaring for a loved one who is dying is not an easy experience. Though you know...July 26, 2013
Compassionate Palliative Care and Personal SupportIt’s not easy to lose a loved one, and the lives of the bereaved are impacte...April 10, 2013
Stages of Palliative Care at HomePalliative care is specialized care that aims to relieve suffering and improve the quality of life for people with termi...March 20, 2013
What Is Palliative Care?Palliative care is the compassionate care of a dying person, minimizing their suffering as they progress towards the end...February 7, 2013
7 Different Ways to Pay for Home CareIt can be quite a struggle to find ways to pay for long-term home healthcare....December 7, 2015
Retirement and Health Care Expenses – Are You Prepared?When people consider retirement, they generally focus on the positive aspects,...March 17, 2015
10 Great Gift Ideas for SeniorsDon't know what to get the senior in your life? Here are some holiday gift ide...December 17, 2015
Dementia and the Holiday SeasonThe holiday season can be difficult for people caring for loved ones with dementia. Memories of past holidays can remind...November 29, 2013
10 Tips to Help Seniors Have a Happy Holiday SeasonThe holiday season is a happy and joyous time for most of us, but many seniors find this time of year to be hectic, conf...December 20, 2012
Family Friendly Holiday Fun in OttawaOttawa is one of the finest cities in Canada to spend your winter break. Overflowing with world renowned recreational ev...December 13, 2012
Seniors Dealing with Holiday StressThe holidays are jam-packed with family get-togethers, parties, and culinary adventures. Amidst all these activities, se...December 6, 2012
Coping with a hospital stay when you have dementia or Alzheimer’sStaying in the hospital is hard under the best of circumstances, but with deme...October 12, 2022
9 Ways to Adapt After HospitalizationAfter you return home from hospitalization, you will need to take time to adju...December 12, 2018
Returning Home From A Hospital StayVisiting the hospital for any length of time is generally an unpleasant or unw...June 27, 2016
Alzheimer’s and the Risks of Hospital AdmissionsA hospital stay can be unsettling and challenging for anyone, but it can be especially difficult for people with dementi...January 29, 2013
Canadian Scientist Honoured with International Award for Diabetic ResearchDr. Daniel Drucker's incredible contributions towards diabetic research earned...February 5, 2022
Our Guide to Senior Care During the Winter MonthsSanta Claus may be coming to town, but so is the cold weather, snow, and ice �...October 20, 2019
Mobility and Quality of Life: Why the Two Go Hand-in-HandBeing able to get around and move freely is necessary for an independent lifes...June 28, 2019
How to Improve your Loved One’s Cognitive SkillsIt’s common to experience a mental decline or memory loss as you get older o...February 22, 2019
Why Empty Nesters Should Incorporate Music into Their Daily LivesMusic can have surprising benefits for seniors and empty-nesters. Here are som...February 8, 2019
Think FAST – The Warning Signs of an Oncoming StrokeEvery second counts when a potential stroke is happening, and being able to no...December 4, 2018
Helping Seniors with Standing, Sitting and RecliningMany seniors find that they begin to have trouble changing positions, e.g., fr...October 15, 2018
Why In-Home Care is ImportantWhether recovering from surgery, a hospital stay, or dealing with the symptoms...February 27, 2018
Senior Health: Resistance TrainingWhen we age, everything seems to progressively slow down, including the abilit...March 21, 2016
Aging and Maintaining Healthy BonesMost people don’t usually think much about their bones or the health of thei...April 16, 2015
Maintaining a Healthy Weight as a SeniorPeople are living longer and enjoying active lifestyles well into their 80s and 90s. Research continues to confirm that...February 14, 2014
Senior Fitness: Exercise and OsteoporosisOsteoporosis is a disease which causes bones to become fragile and easy to fracture. It is a major cause of disability f...November 15, 2013
Seniors and ExerciseAs people age, exercise is the key to staying strong, energetic and healthy. As we grow older our body’s metabolism na...July 12, 2012
Brain Exercises For SeniorsWhen a parent ages, mental deterioration is often the hardest thing for their children and grandchildren to cope with �...July 5, 2012
Fantastic Fitness Strategies for SeniorsShedding pounds and keeping them off gets tougher as we age. We vow in January to make big changes, but by Valentine’s...June 21, 2012
6 Ways Seniors Benefit from Help with Meal PreparationAs people age, they may need more help with meal preparation. Seniors' nutriti...February 15, 2018
Combatting Senior MalnutritionMalnutrition and inadequate nutritional care is sadly common for Canadian seni...July 24, 2017
Living With Type 2 DiabetesApproximately one in five seniors in Canada is diagnosed with diabetes. The va...November 24, 2016
Seniors Health: Managing DiabetesDiabetes affects seniors more than any other age group, with nearly one millio...October 20, 2016
Helping Your Loved One with Dietary ChangesAs a caregiver, trying to get your loved one to change entrenched habits can be a challenge. Even if you both know that...February 23, 2016
Maintaining a Healthy Weight as a SeniorPeople are living longer and enjoying active lifestyles well into their 80s and 90s. Research continues to confirm that...February 14, 2014
Detecting and Preventing Malnutrition in SeniorsMalnutrition is a serious health problem for seniors, and is more common than you’d think. Learn the signs and causes...May 31, 2013
Nutrition For Seniors – Vegetable Myths – Part TwoIn a previous post we discussed the importance of ensuring that seniors are getting enough vegetables, and pointed out s...October 18, 2012