Returning Home From A Hospital Stay

Choice HomecareHospital Discharge, Hospital Stays

Visiting the hospital for any length of time is generally an unpleasant or unwelcomed experience. Most people are excited to be discharged and to finally return to the comforts of home. When recovering from illness, injury, or surgery, however, additional measures may be needed. Whatever the reason for your hospital stay, remember these important points for coming home.

Have a plan for getting home after you have been discharged from the hospital.

Have discussions with your doctors and nurses ahead of time and figure out exactly when you think you will be discharged. Having a care manager advocate for you personally can facilitate the process. By knowing the tentative discharge date you can plan your transportation home, whether that be a family member or a patient transport vehicle. Ensuring you have a safe way to get home is important.

Be certain to have all medication you require as prescribed by the doctor.

If you normally have a variety of medications and are provided new ones as a result of your hospital stay, be certain you are taking the correct dosages. Having a knowledgeable friend or relative, or a personal care manager to review and administer the medications is a way to ensure you take the right dosage, the right way, and at the right time.

Be honest with your caregivers and family about how you are feeling.

If you are well enough to be discharged from the hospital but still not feeling exactly like your old self, communicate that adequately so that you can be certain to receive the appropriate care in your home. There is no benefit in trying to do too much on your own when your body isn’t physically ready. The chance of re-injury is not a chance you take. Express your concerns to those around you and be certain your concerns are heard.

Ensure your home is ready to accommodate you.

Whatever sent you to the hospital may possibly inhibit your mobility around your home. Depending on your situation it might be easier for you to avoid stairs. If your caregivers are able to set you up on the main floor where you can avoid having to travel too far for the bathroom and main living areas, that will alleviate a lot of strain on your body while you heal. Your personal care manager can make a house call and make sure your home is ready and safe for your arrival.

Don’t be afraid to turn away visitors.

At the hospital you are bound by the visiting hours. Although the visiting hours may seem like an annoyance they are actually a blessing. Restricting the visiting hours forces you to rest and take time to heal properly instead of entertaining your guests. Once at home it may be a bit more difficult to turn away well-wishers, but be firm in your stance on achieving a full recovery by getting proper rest. Enlist the help of your family members to keep any unwanted visitors away so you can rest.

Coming home from a hospital stay should be a joyous occasion. Try to be prepared and organized so you can tackle the at home healing portion of your recovery comfortably.

If you have any questions about returning from a hospital stay or would like to learn more about how an in-home caregiver can help with your recovery, call Choice Homecare at 613-907-3191.