Our Guide to Senior Care During the Winter Months

Choice HomecareAging, Aging Parents, Caregiving, Seniors

Santa Claus may be coming to town, but so is the cold weather, snow, and ice – sorry to be the bearer of bad news! This is a time of year that can be difficult for seniors in need of companionship and proper, quality caregiving services. At Choice Homecare Ottawa, we know how important it is to implement special procedures to keep such individuals in good spirits and optimal health. Here are our top tips.

How to Improve your Loved One’s Cognitive Skills

Choice HomecareAging, Aging Parents, Caregiving, Dementia, Seniors

It’s common to experience a mental decline or memory loss as you get older or as a result of dementia or Alzheimer’s. Therefore, it’s essential to find ways to help keep the minds of older loved ones stimulated and engaged so their brains can remain active and healthy. Here are some useful activities to keep your loved one mentally agile.

The Challenges of Long-Distance Caregiving

Choice HomecareAging Parents, Caregiving

Caregiving at a distance can present many challenges, from the guilt of being unable to attend to day-to-day needs to the additional burden of travel time and expenses. Being a long-distance caregiver can be isolating and stressful. Here we look at the challenges of having an aging loved one out of town and why hiring a homecare provider is the best option for support.