Caregiving for a loved one who needs assistance throughout their everyday activities can be a rewarding experience. However, it can quickly become stressful and frustrating, eventually leading to burnout. Feelings of guilt, exhaustion, anger, and even rage are all signs that it’s time to ask for help.
Help Make Your Parents’ Move as Smooth as Possible
When it’s time for your aging parents to downsize their home, they will need help and support in dealing with the transition. The emotional toll is particularly heavy if your parents are moving from the family home they have shared for decades, sometimes forty years or more. Here’s how can you help your parents make a move successfully.
7 Tips to Travel Safely with Dementia
Traveling with someone living with dementia can be a challenging process. But with some planning ahead, you can travel safely with dementia. Before you head off on your trip, go over these seven tips to travel safely with dementia.
How to Cope with Caring for Aging Parents
Becoming a caregiver for your parents can feel strange and stressful at first: for so long, you were used to your parents taking care of you, and now it’s your turn to take care of them. Switching roles isn’t always easy, but with guidance and planning, you both can get familiar with your new roles. Today, we’ll provide some helpful tips on how to cope with aging parents yet still maintain stability and quality relationships.
The Challenges of Long-Distance Caregiving
Caregiving at a distance can present many challenges, from the guilt of being unable to attend to day-to-day needs to the additional burden of travel time and expenses. Being a long-distance caregiver can be isolating and stressful. Here we look at the challenges of having an aging loved one out of town and why hiring a homecare provider is the best option for support.
Should You Be Concerned About Your Aging Parents? 7 Questions
Are you concerned about the health of your aging parents? As your parents age, how can you know if they’re taking care of themselves when you’re not around? Ask yourself the following questions after your next visit home.
Why In-Home Care is Important
Whether recovering from surgery, a hospital stay, or dealing with the symptoms of a chronic condition such as dementia or MS, a top priority of great in-home care is to provide personalized and compassionate treatment. Here are some specific reasons why in-home care is important to the wellness of our loved ones.
6 Ways Seniors Benefit from Help with Meal Preparation
As people age, they may need more help with meal preparation. Seniors’ nutritional needs change, and they may have more difficulty preparing healthy meals. Enlisting help for food preparation can have many benefits.
Healthy Aging: How to Get More Restful Sleep
If you feel exhausted when you wake up in the morning, odds are that you’re not getting the good night’s sleep you need. As you get older, sleep can become more challenging, especially if you have a condition such as sleep apnea or Alzheimer’s disease. Here are some quick tips that will help seniors get that restful sleep you’ve been (day) dreaming about.
7 Tips for Easier Mealtimes for Dementia Patients
A seemingly simple task such as eating can eventually become a challenging and combative task for those who have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Here are some tips to help make mealtime with your loved one easier.