The Link Between Muscular Dystrophy and Mobility Impairment

Choice HomecareComplex Care

Muscular Dystrophy (MD) is not just one disease, but rather a several that are grouped together and contribute to muscle degradation over time. It can be very difficult to deal with and treat, and there is no known cure yet. However, knowledge is power, and we believe that the more informed the general public is on such conditions, the more prepared they are to seek out appropriate mobility therapy to maintain as comfortable a life as possible. Today, let’s explore the link between Muscular Dystrophy and mobility impairment.

What Muscular Dystrophy Does to the Body

Not all neuromuscular disorders are the same – in fact, you may be hard-pressed to find two exact copy-paste cases. While approximate causes, symptoms, severity, and progression varies from person to person, the results are the same: Heavily impeded mobile independence. Some types of disorders don’t materialize until much later in life, while symptoms of others can occur at any age.

MD, in particular, focuses on the breakdown of skeletal muscles and increased weakness. This is largely represented by a reduced concentration of dystrophin – “shock absorbers” found in the muscle fibre membrane – and tissue disorganization. As a result, mobility becomes increasingly restricted over time, and everything from speech, stability, and balance to respiratory system effectiveness can be negatively impacted. There are over 30 different varieties of MD, all of which share the genetic inheritance as a leading cause.

Why Professional Mobility Therapy is the Answer

Although there is no cure at the moment, that doesn’t mean there are no ways to minimize or delay the effects of MD. Clinically proven mobility independence therapy and specialized training regimens can help to combat the ill-effects of such conditions for longer, even if results can vary when attempting to fight MD.

Regaining your mobile independence has never been a more achievable goal. Through our partnership with NeuroGymRehab, the Choice Homecare Ottawa team is happy to help you make more progress. Give us a call at 613-907-3191 to find out how Choice Homecare can help.