Home Care For ALS Patients in Ottawa

Choice HomecareALS

ALS – Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (commonly known as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease”) is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease that attacks motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord affecting muscle function. ALS is characterized by progressive weakness, respiratory compromise and muscle atrophy. An ALS diagnosis can be overwhelming for both the patient and their family. Choice Homecare Ottawa can help.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ALS, you understand the new challenges of everyday living. Simple tasks can become difficult and ordinary daily living activities require assistance. We understand these challenges. We at Choice Homecare Ottawa can provide a person with ALS with the highest level of care and the necessary assistance needed at home. We provide safe, personalized, nurse monitored in-home care, allowing people to remain independent and comfortable in their preferred environment.

Our experienced and educated home care team will work with the person with ALS, their family, and their physicians to ensure the quality of life of the patient is top priority. Our highly skilled caregivers will provide home care designed to meet their specific needs and support them throughout the process.