Assisted Living Does Not Mean You Have to Leave Your Home

Choice HomecareAging, Aging Parents, Home Care, Seniors

Moving to a retirement or seniors-only residence is not your only option for Assisted Living or Respite Care. There are more homecare options available than ever before. Chronic illnesses or medical issues do not necessarily mean leaving the comfort and independence of living at home in order to receive proper care.  You or your loved one can stay home.

Why Home Care can be a Better Option:

Independence: The senior remains independent in their preferred safe environment – their own home. In a recent poll of seniors by the CARP the majority responded that, if needed, they would prefer home care services to moving to an assisted living facility.With in-home care, YOU are in charge of when things happen. You decide when and what you would like to eat, you decide when guests come for a visit and how long they stay.

Community: Home care allows the senior to continue to be a part of their familiar, chosen neighbourhood and community. This greatly increases quality of life.

Family: With in-home care, the family can stay close and participate as they are able in the care and treatment.

Personalized Care: Home care provides the opportunity for the senior and their family to develop a close relationship with their caregivers. This increases the level of care and comfort and gives the caregiver better insight. It’s easier to pick up cues from someone you know.

Reduced Stress: Both the senior and their family will feel the benefits of home care in stress reduction. The senior feels relaxed and comfortable in their own home and their family feels relief in knowing they are safe and cared for. This also avoids the stresses that are inevitable in moving.

Cost: Home care is more affordable than you might think. In many cases, home care is less expensive than the cost of moving to an assisted living facility or retirement home. Find out what senior care options are right for you. Call us at 613-907-3191 for a free consultation.