Parkinson’s Home Care

Choice HomecareParkinson's

Parkinson’s disease is a complex, progressive neurological disease that impairs motor skills, movement, speech, and other functions. The three primary symptoms are tremor, muscle stiffness and slowness of movement. Other symptoms include difficulty in speaking or swallowing, tiredness, depression and dementia. Because it is a progressive disease, these symptoms may increase in frequency and severity over time.

Early on, Parkinson’s disease may not cause great disruption in the diagnosed person’s life. Parkinson’s progresses slowly in most people and becomes more challenging over time. As the disease progresses the increasing changes may prove too difficult for the person with Parkinson’s and their loved ones to manage on their own.

Choice Homecare Ottawa can help. We provide safe, personalized, nurse monitored care at home, allowing people to remain independent in their preferred environment.

At Choice Homecare Ottawa, we provide home care for people with Parkinson’s disease that is responsive and adaptable. We can help you determine how much care is required (part-time, full-time, or live-in) for your situation and increase the level of care as needed. Our experienced and educated caregivers take a proactive approach, tuning in to changes in symptoms and providing support.